October 14, 2012

Bridal, I've Seen the Light!!

Usually if I hear the word "bridal," the hair on the back of my neck stands on end and I start to get a little nauseated. Especially when "photography" is used in the same sentence. BUT, today I was sent to shoot "bridal fashion" by my friends at Conde Nast. There's a HUGE bridal wear show going on throughout the city this week. After a few presentations earlier in the day, my last shoot was a fashion show in the Chelsea art district. I was assigned to shoot backstage beauty, arriving an hour before the show started and photograph the models getting their makeup, hair and nails done. Let me tell you, there are worse ways to spend a day. First things first, grab some hummus and veggies or some mozzarella and tomato salad. Follow that with a soft, freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and a piping hot cup of coffee.... Now, walk around and aim your camera at any one of 15 beautiful models. I'd do this gig for free. I've seen the light, I'm reformed--I LOVE shooting bridal. It's the best thing EVER!

The tough life of a model, pampered to death.

Hummus, mozzarella and tomato or macaroni salad anyone? A smoked turkey sandwich? A selection of various cheeses? A white chocolate and macadamia nut cookie?  A soft oatmeal raisin cookie? Why yes, I think I will...thanks.

And now for the "buzz-kill." I get on a packed train coming home and this worthless piece of skin is taking up 5 seats. Unfortunately, I got a seat directly across from him. I tried to close my eyes but couldn't stop watching his bloated belly swell with each breath....lovely.

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