June 22, 2012

The Heat Is On!

Today when the temperature hit around 95 degrees I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood assuming that at least a few fire hydrants would be uncapped. Inwood is notorious for this. It didn't take me long to find at least 5 hydrants blowing geysers into the street. manned by some kid with a juice can as a nozzle.

Trucks full of men working for the water and sewer department drove from hydrant to hydrant shutting them off. Within 10 minutes they were back on, dumping 1000 gallons a minute into the street (so claims the FDNY...seems like a lot).

Each time I would walk up and start shooting, a large group of kids would all quickly group together and ask to be photographed, thinking they would be in the paper or on the news.

Another group, another block.

Walking home a youngish Hispanic woman sitting in a lawn chair on the sidewalk noticed my cameras and asked me if I was a photographer. I told her that yes, I was indeed a photographer.  In broken English she told me that she had been taking classes at a nearby "modeling academy" located just up the street and would soon be getting her "modeling certificate". This certificate would allow her to work as a model according to her instructors. These classes teach you how to pose, how to walk the runway and cost $40 per course. She attends each Saturday from 5:30 to 7:30pm. I asked her how old and how tall she was. She replied.."I'm 25 and I'm 5 feet 5 inches tall". I smiled and said.."You know, most models are 5'9 or 5'10?". She didn't seem to care. She was sure that very soon she would be shooting music videos and doing magazine spreads. Again, as promised by the teachers from her "academy".  She was very friendly, flirtatious  and suggested we do a full on photo shoot.....at the beach no less. Then suddenly she jumped up and struck a pose, showing off what she's learned in school.  So confident and sure of herself.    Who could resist shooting America's next top Hispanic model?  I took 5 frames.

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